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Non-Cylindrical Hydrostatic Test Presure

wss 发表于 2008-7-15 22:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
以下是另外一个ASME论坛讨论的一个问题, 大家可以踊跃发言:
I have a piece of equipment that is essentially U-shaped, with an inner and outer steel shell.  The equipment is designed to carry hot material in the open U-shape, and is filled with water to keep the steel at an acecptable temperature.  There are internal ribs that are welded to the inner shell along their length, and welded with plug welds to the outer shell at points.  The inner shell is 12.7mm (1/2") plate, the outer shell is 6.35mm (1/4") plate.  The outer shell inside diameter is 516mm (20.3").  Due to the location of the piece of equipment, it must be leak proof.  The operating presure is 5 bar (73psi)  and we have proposed a test presure of 7.5 bar ( 108psi) which is 150%, at the top end of the ASTM E1003-5 reccomendations for hydrostatic leak test.

However, during a review it was questioned weather the equipment would see 5 bar presure in operation, and wether it could handle the 7.5 bar test pressure.  The cooling water is circulated such that it should never see full presure unless there is a blockage, however the problem of the hydrostatic test presure remains.  

Does anyone have any tips on how to calculate the maximum presure the equipment could handle.  I've reviewed as much of the Pressure Vessel code I could handle, but I don't deal with pressure vessels often.

Any Suggestions would be appreciated.  We've proposed to take a quick look at this in Ansys, treating it as a 2-d problem and applying the pressure on the inside, but we'd like to have a hand calc to compare it to.




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日月星辰 发表于 2008-7-16 16:14 | 显示全部楼层
这是一个夹套容器,夹套内是冷却水,文章内说夹套内是没压力的,我觉的怎么会没压力呢. 水压试验压力7.5bar是内筒的水压试验值,只要按常用的水压公式校核就行拉,我倒是觉的夹套内要进行水压试验吗,内胆的稳定性才是关键.


参与人数 1化工币 +10 收起 理由
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ZGQIAN 发表于 2008-7-20 22:25 | 显示全部楼层
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