
『 流程模拟资源 』 今日: 0|主题: 181|排名: 62 

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预览 催化裂化的模拟 jiecheng 2011-9-4 09:57 01949 jiecheng 2011-9-4 09:57
预览 换热器设计 attachment jiecheng 2011-9-4 09:53 01689 jiecheng 2011-9-4 09:53
预览 板式塔动态演示 attachment jiecheng 2011-9-3 11:24 01854 jiecheng 2011-9-3 11:24
预览 模拟流程? jiecheng 2011-9-2 13:14 01819 jiecheng 2011-9-2 13:14
预览 Aspen water 软件 recommend machun1013 2011-7-22 11:36 02114 machun1013 2011-7-22 11:36
预览 求Chemcad6.3的破解补丁 daiweisc 2011-3-23 18:55 34095 imeagor 2011-7-13 22:39
预览 aspen例子 attachment recommend agree xsy1234 2008-7-4 12:50 126500 老姜 2011-6-24 09:28
预览 PDMS视频教程 法兰花 2009-4-3 11:30 611101 EdwardLau 2011-6-22 14:04
预览 关于模拟精馏塔时塔底抽出温度问题 recommend smile2ever 2011-6-16 15:10 12158 smile2ever 2011-6-20 09:30
预览 HTRI内部参数的定义文件 Improving Heat Exchanger Design.rar attachment suzhliang001 2011-5-11 14:27 02065 suzhliang001 2011-5-11 14:27
预览 天津大学李鑫刚老师,计算机模拟的课件,希望大家有用 attachment recommend agree  ...2 loveprisoner 2011-1-17 16:28 278036 2008届 2011-5-7 12:39
预览 Reactive Distillation attachment Arabicus 2009-6-7 08:00 15649 ywpyoung 2011-5-1 09:21
脱硫岗位操作规程 - [阅读权限 5]attachment agree chen740808 2011-1-18 10:35 222 江南山水 2011-3-21 15:49
PROII热力学方法的选用 - [阅读权限 10]attachment pouyangzl 2010-4-22 09:21 436 icecream 2011-3-19 15:45
PRO2中文经典实例集 - [阅读权限 20]attachment pouyangzl 2010-4-22 09:30 239 icecream 2011-3-19 15:33
预览 [原创]求助:二甲醚合成精馏ASPEN模拟程序 legee 2006-9-28 23:26 53767 liyuer 2011-3-10 16:25
预览 现代塔器工艺设计流程-快速解决方案 attachment recommend  ...23 wiseboy 2011-1-21 11:40 306603 dpl613000 2011-3-10 08:43
预览 [转帖]PRO II培训讲义-作者polyup attachment recommend  ...23 poatmcc 2007-6-4 21:50 3810417 wangchangfei200 2011-3-9 19:43
预览 [分享]PRO II热力学方法的选用 attachment  ...234 韩博士 2007-1-25 19:48 5614814 wangchangfei200 2011-3-9 19:42
预览 [原创]gPROMS 2.3.4 Setup全攻略/珍藏版 attachment popbug 2006-10-13 08:34 73712 646566194 2011-3-9 16:21
预览 flaresim2.0下载地址 recommend jlx118 2009-5-5 07:07 55252 imeagor 2011-3-8 23:04
预览 天津大学chemcad课程课件 attachment recommend agree liguangzhong 2010-3-31 22:25 114266 zjwmcl 2011-2-22 23:12
预览 PROII吸收塔计算案例 attachment recommend agree wiseboy 2009-11-25 09:27 65493 200247024 2011-2-15 16:29
预览 蒸汽轮机透平模拟的热力学方法选择 attachment agree  ...23 robinhan 2008-8-5 14:23 4113846 loveryman 2011-2-15 11:08
预览 PROII操作步骤 attachment recommend agree travin 2009-9-6 17:27 43204 porttboy 2011-1-30 13:53
预览 HTFS教程 zhangyy054243 2010-3-10 15:08 23211 bingoaa 2011-1-13 23:38
预览 hysys的训练教材 attachment woshihuiqin 2009-4-3 17:47 73133 jjfw 2010-12-29 11:30
(精品)proii视频演示程序 - [阅读权限 10]attachment pouyangzl 2010-4-22 09:18 341 porttboy 2010-12-24 14:06
预览 Htfs-Tasc计算模式和重沸器计算简要说明(笔记) attachment vrain 2009-6-19 16:47 23148 zfmamx123 2010-12-16 10:44
预览 计算流体动力学分析:CFD软件原理与应用_王福军.pdf attachment agree zyqad 2008-4-18 15:04 146282 clingch 2010-10-15 14:47
预览 proII与化工过程模拟 attachment kww9336 2009-8-3 20:03 712525 LIWEI3547 2010-9-18 17:38
预览 公告:ASPEN ONE V7.1下载连接 agree  ...2 printer 2009-11-9 21:38 2013801 neptune_yang 2010-9-16 13:06
预览 Aspen Plus 在化工设计及模拟中的应用 attachment agree 海痴 2009-3-10 11:14 114350 wanglemima 2010-9-7 19:55
预览 PRO II的材料资源 11081108 2009-8-20 12:48 12744 悟空 2010-8-31 17:50
预览 HTRI 模式选择 yanbinglovesun 2009-8-2 10:07 23233 爱新觉罗 2010-7-26 23:13
预览 应用Chemcad模拟的几篇论文 attachment recommend agree zjwmcl 2008-11-11 16:33 44053 cutemmzlp 2010-7-26 01:15
预览 过程系统稳态模拟技术 attachment recommend agree tju2009 2010-3-27 09:42 24154 shifh999 2010-7-15 23:21
预览 新建化工模拟QQ群:119212773 kkvv001 2010-7-11 14:13 03146 kkvv001 2010-7-11 14:13
预览 化工过程流程模拟 attachment wangs521 2009-12-1 15:34 23137 hongming1234 2010-6-8 15:44
控制变量与受控变量的选择 Selection of Controlled and Manipulated Variables - [阅读权限 1]attach_img Arabicus 2010-5-3 15:39 0123 Arabicus 2010-5-3 15:39
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