
『 管道资源 』 今日: 0|主题: 589|排名: 35 

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预览 有谁有B31.3-2010吗 attachment chendongdong 2011-11-21 12:36 525625 dreamxy2008 2014-11-22 21:41
预览 螺纹标准.xls attachment recommend agree benxiong2008 2008-6-18 15:04 113956 dreamxy2008 2014-11-20 21:07
预览 压力管道设计设计人员考试卷2005 attachment recommend agree zhonghuaguoji 2009-6-8 17:00 75443 xa_niu 2011-6-23 17:01
预览 石油化工装置工艺管道安装设计手册(第四版)全四册 attachment chengxunlu 2011-6-15 15:06 64042 shzljx 2015-2-16 10:29
预览 [分享]疏水配管 attachment recommend lyyisme 2007-3-3 18:47 53753 hanpingsiping 2015-2-19 01:13
预览 中海油项目管道安装施工方案 attachment recommend agree tjhxtgg 2011-4-1 12:17 514569 dreamxy2008 2014-11-22 21:42
预览 管道压降计算软件 attachment recommend agree 学者 2007-12-21 21:11 148164 shiyuxin0318 2012-9-23 08:52
预览 [分享]《波纹管膨胀节的设计与应用》(+10) attachment 老兵新传 2006-7-18 19:47 126531 yk510 2012-3-19 15:43
预览 管道阻力计算 attach_img agree  ...2 cloris.he 2007-12-16 20:36 2510440 deltiger 2011-1-17 14:31
预览 GB50235-2010工业金属管道工程施工规范 attachment agree liuchuanyang 2011-9-15 13:02 53433 gdmmhwq 2012-8-30 13:15
预览 自己收集的阀门知识资料 attachment jshni_00 2009-12-23 10:42 83595 luogh86 2012-3-24 14:31
预览 管廊如何设计会漂亮大方?? agree neva 2012-3-28 19:53 73948 dreamxy2008 2014-11-22 16:10
预览 化工部管架标准HGJ524-91(DWG格式) attachment recommend agree  ...2 dengdhua 2008-1-2 11:56 1912046 dreamxy2008 2014-11-22 21:59
预览 George Fischer 的 Engineering Handbook attachment recommend agree gto_1980 2008-1-24 09:24 98473 angelleex 2017-6-21 14:19
预览 pdms的PML2编辑器 attachment recommend  ...2345 separ 2006-3-12 00:11 6118865 elsa0918 2012-6-15 18:04
预览 工艺管道ASME B31.3实用指南(原著第二版) attachment recommend agree zpcdi 2008-2-19 20:09 57038 dreamxy2008 2014-11-22 21:33
预览 工业管道工程图集(上、下)---建筑工程设计施工系列图集 attachment recommend agree lbyx15 2008-2-22 19:08 15753 qujiaoyan 2008-4-3 19:41
预览 PDMS 11.6sp0 license attachment recommend lingdaozhe 2008-10-30 08:45 1412079 bolishiguan 2010-12-9 15:07
预览 可直接使用的PipeData-PRO72,无需破解 attachment recommend saf85 2012-6-9 15:49 35155 dreamxy2008 2015-2-7 21:51
预览 全国压力管道设计审批人员培训教材 05版 attachment recommend agree zpcdi 2008-6-5 07:16 96907 gto_1980 2012-8-26 09:46
预览 1.6-25MP油、气、水、仪表风管线壁厚等级表及计算程序 agree tnt2007 2010-5-27 08:38 12648 hanpingsiping 2015-2-19 01:14
预览 工艺管道ASMEB31.3 attachment recommend agree  ...2 vikky1231 2007-12-3 14:17 1910326 lizz_lc 2010-11-6 15:13
预览 ANSI/MSS SP-69-2003 管道支吊架的选用 attachment agree yhmao 2008-8-5 15:42 55833 dreamxy2008 2015-2-8 18:25
预览 油库设计与管理 attachment tnt2007 2010-5-13 11:23 33143 TVB 2010-11-18 00:22
预览 玻璃纤维强化塑胶管(FRP管)技术规范书 attachment wmingen 2008-3-8 14:10 87431 dreamxy2008 2015-2-8 18:23
预览 较老的书籍《化工管路设计》全册 attachment agree bolglee 2008-5-4 23:05 145465 LJFTC 2010-9-29 19:15
预览 螺栓扭矩计算-excel版,别处下载的.用一下试试吧. attachment qyf 2008-7-9 17:42 52640 837565410 2015-7-28 19:37
预览 管道设计用阀门管件图库大家指教了 attachment agree juezhuo000 2010-7-23 11:05 33632 zjykyfp 2012-6-27 17:46
预览 管道节点图 attachment recommend 582292215 2011-2-26 10:58 22222 dreamxy2008 2014-11-20 13:54
预览 石油化工装置布置基础 attachment agree koala123 2009-7-8 17:48 83997 yts98 2017-10-27 09:47
预览 [分享] process plant layout and piping design(清晰扫描版) attachment recommend  ...23 zhaofeng 2006-6-23 06:50 3012574 istop 2013-6-4 09:29
预览 pdms 12.0sp5下载地址(完整版) recommend agree neilzhuo 2010-3-4 18:33 1425551 837565410 2015-7-28 19:39
预览 NACE RP0472-2005 attachment recommend Arabicus 2009-5-13 14:44 56230 lzyf 2011-12-22 12:35
预览 PIP 管道保温规范 attachment recommend dxsdxs 2008-12-12 15:42 86642 deco001 2012-8-9 09:58
预览 PDS配管建模教材 attachment recommend hglove 2009-3-18 13:27 94343 cadmen1234 2012-6-3 22:00
预览 ASME B31.1-2009(2007的增补) attachment recommend wisoner 2010-8-6 08:53 43971 dreamxy2008 2014-11-20 21:00
预览 (管道工程师必备工具)绿色免安装PipeData Version4 attachment recommend agree 墨龙 2010-1-5 16:07 98026 kongl008 2011-1-27 16:49
预览 化工管道的设计与施工 attachment recommend jllff5288 2012-5-16 17:09 31688 shzljx 2015-2-16 10:17
预览 Piping And Pipe Support Systems attachment recommend agree  ...2 石化设计人 2008-2-22 15:27 219790 qxwwxq7035 2014-11-4 13:33
预览 石油大学潘家华主编的《油罐及管道强度设计》 attachment  ...2 pipingren 2008-9-2 12:59 188659 shzljx 2015-2-16 10:14
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